FAQs About Facial Laser Hair Removal For Women

Posted on: 29 July 2022

Do you have unwanted facial hair? Laser hair removal is a semi-permanent to permanent option that can remove or reduce the appearance of excess hair growth on your upper lip, chin, cheeks, or forehead. If you've tried waxing, threading, or shaving and aren't happy with the results, take a look at what you need to know about laser hair removal treatments.

Why Choose A Laser Treatment?

You can shave and wax in the comfort of your own home. Why should you give up this convenience and choose a laser treatment? Even though you will need to visit a dermatologist's office or medical spa for laser removal, this type of cosmetic treatment can achieve results that shaving, waxing, and other home remedies can't. 

Unlike shaving, waxing, threading, and other similar hair removal methods, laser treatments do more than just temporarily cut or pluck the hair from your facial skin. The laser sends focused light into the hair follicle. The pigment in the hair absorbs the light and turns it into heat. This process destroys the follicle and stops hair growth. Over time the hair in the targeted area (such as your upper lip) either stops growing, grows more slowly, or becomes thinner.

This process provides semi-permanent or sometimes permanent results. After your treatment is complete, you won't need to waste time shaving daily or waxing every few weeks. You also won't need to tweeze the stray hairs, razor, or wax strips that may miss or pluck the ones that grow back almost immediately.

How Many Treatments Will You Need To Remove Facial Hair? 

Laser therapy typically takes two to six treatments, according to the American Academy of Dermatology (AAD). Even though it could take a few treatments to achieve the look you want, your facial hair may feel finer or have a less noticeable appearance after the first laser service. 

Can You Wear Makeup After Facial Laser Hair Removal?

Laser removal treatments are non-invasive. This means the provider won't cut your skin and you won't need stitches or a long recovery period. But some people do feel sensitivity in the treatment area—especially immediately after the treatment. 

Talk to your laser services provider before you apply foundation, powder, or any other cosmetic product. You may need to wait 24 hours after the procedure to use these types of products. This gives the treatment area time to heal and can reduce the likelihood of additional irritation.  
