FAQ About Getting A Facial With Extractions

Posted on: 17 January 2022

If you deal with acne, clogged pores, or blemishes, then when you schedule a facial, you'll probably want to choose one with extractions. This means the practitioner will take the time to extract the contents of your blocked pores and of any blemishes that can be safely drained. Extractions can be really helpful, but you might have a few questions you'd like answered prior to this type of facial.

How is the skin prepared for extractions?

Most spas and cosmetic dermatology centers prepare the skin for extractions by steaming it in some way. You may be asked to sit under a steam machine, which delivers steam to your face for a few minutes at a time. Or, you may lay back as your practitioner places warm, steamy cloths over your face. In either case, the steam will help soften the contents of your pores so that they can be more easily extracted. This step helps minimize damage and trauma to the skin during the facial treatment.

Why are extractions safe while at-home popping is not?

After years of being told not to pop your pimples at home, you may wonder why it's safe for estheticians or dermatologists to perform extractions. The difference lies in technique and knowledge. Professionals know how to pop and drain blemishes without causing additional damage to nearby skin. They also follow specific sanitation protocols to avoid spreading the bacteria in your blemishes around your face. If there are blemishes that are not "ready" to be extracted, they will leave those alone. It's a lot harder to avoid skin damage and infection with at-home popping, which is why it's not advised.

Will the extractions hurt?

The extraction process might be a little uncomfortable at times, but it should not cause outright pain. In fact, many people feel relief as their clogged pores are unclogged. If a blemish hurts too much to be touched, you can certainly tell your practitioner to leave that one alone.

What other steps are included in a facial with extractions?

While the extractions are generally the key part of this type of facial, the facial will also include the steaming mentioned above. And after the extractions are done, it is common for practitioners to apply some sort of moisturizing or soothing mask. This helps bring down inflammation and redness after the extractions.

With this knowledge in mind, you are now more ready than ever to schedule your facial with extractions. Contact a spa that offers facial treatments to learn more.
